Anumta Qureshi, the Suno Chanda famed actress, is expecting her first child. Sarang Kazmi and Anumta Qureshi were married in February 2020. Her roles in Mera Rab Waris, Bisaat e Dil, Sanwari, and Bharosa Pyar Tera have made her a well-known actress.
The actress is best known for her role as Huma in Suno Chanda and Suno Chanda 2.The actress shared details of her married life with fans soon after her marriage, and she also informed her fans about her pregnancy.
Her fans are always eager to see her new pictures. Her Baby Shower pictures were just posted today by the actress. She posed along with her husband and family during a family gathering.
Her family was very supportive. She thanked them for celebrating her special day with her. Please find all the pictures from her baby shower below.