With her superb performance in the hit television series Zindagi Gulzar Hai, Sanam Saeed has gained immense popularity. She achieved enormous fame and glory through the role of Kashaf Murtaza.
She has many fans who love watching her on television. In a recent appearance on Momina's Mixed Plate, the actress discussed her views on marriage after divorce.
According to
Sanam, despite her divorce, she is still committed to marriage because she comes
from a family in which her parents and many others had normal marriages.
She has
experienced loving parents, which is why she doesn't believe divorce changed
her mind. It is still a
fundamental belief of hers that the marriage institution exists.
In her family,
she has seen long-lasting relationships flourishing, and her elders are doing everything
they can to maintain those relationships, which is a good thing. let's watch her remarks about marriage in the video below: